Sunday, October 31, 2010

Days 38, 39, 40 Deep South

We spent a few days with Tim's Uncle Glen in Poplarville, Mississippi.  Glen and his wife, Fran, are building a home on 25 acres in the middle of nowhere!  So we pitched our tent on the deck of their garage.  We were pleased when Fran's son, Brent, arrived with his family.  It was a great family weekend.

Max and Simon really loved having 12 dogs to play with.  They each had a couple of favourites!

The boys also enjoyed driving the ATV and the golf cart around the property.  Uncle Glen even let them help with some of the yard work -- dragging trees and moving dirt with the tractor.

And, of course, there was a pond that had catfish!  Every day was spent trying to catch a few (which they did).  However, the best catch we had was for supper!  We went to a Fish House and had delicious catfish for dinner. 

We took a trip into New Orleans, Louisiana.  We spent the day walking along the Mississippi River and the streets in the French Quarter.  It was a bustling city on a Saturday.  Jazz musicians performed on many streets and we could hear music everywhere we went.  Max and Simon were enthralled by the human statues.
At Jackson Square Max found an artist that he really liked and so he purchased a piece of original art with his own money.  This was a large purchase but one that he will remember and can decorate his room around.  (The abstract fish is his.)

Our other excursion was to a local farm and corn maze.  We spent an afternoon learning how to lasso a cow and shoot an arrow from a compound bow.

We also spent some time in the corn maze and let Orion be our guide.  He loves mazes and we made it out safely!  Whew!

1 comment:

  1. I'm back! We were away in North Conway and saw Shelley and David while we were there. There was a lot to do here, when I returned, so I have been remiss in keeping up with your blog.
    Great adventures. Some Elvis facts that were new to me. Love your pictures. I'll have to scare up some chocolate for Simon on his return to the great white North.
