Thursday, September 16, 2010

Day 2 Old Quebec

We had an easy drive today and arrived in Old Quebec by noon.  After finally getting a place to park we spent the afternoon at the Plains of Abraham Museum.  Simon is studying early explorers in his Social Studies course, so this was the perfect "field trip" for him.
 Of course, the boys also played some soccer on the Plains of Abraham.

After a wonderful meal of crepes and tortiere and maple syrup pie, we strolled around Old Quebec.  It is cool here but OK for walking.

We are staying in a hostel and the boys enjoyed a game of pool before bed.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lisa and family
    Your mother was here this morning to give me your new blog site PLUS the beautiful basket and bookmark!! What a nice surprise. I love baskets and I love to read!! Thank you so much for thinking of me - I so appreciate it.
    I have just finished catching up on your trip and can't wait for the next bit of news. Love the pictures and hearing what you are all doing. You certainly are an adventuresome family and are fortunate that you can do this with your children and give them such experiences.
    By the way, your mother also brought me some cranberries in the basket - picked by your Dad - and they were on their way to pick more!
    Have a great trip and be safe. Looking forward to checking in with you every few days to see what you are doing next.
    Cindy Beazley
