Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 10 CN Tower

Today we visited the world's tallest lightening rods!  The CN Tower in downtown Toronto is 1100 feet (at the Observation Deck) and one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World.  It was built in 1973 as a communications tower for southern Ontario and has been a major tourist attraction ever since.

Once again, we were blessed to be traveling in the off-season.  No lineups!

The Observation Deck is the bubble of the tower and it has an outdoor terrace.  The day we were there the wind was ferocious at that height.  We could barely walk around the deck.  We did, however, make a memory by eating our brown bag lunch up there. 

The Tower also has a glass bottom floor!  We stood on the glass and looked  down to the ground.  More than a little bit freaky......


  1. Congrats on making it to the top of the CN Tower. My brother and I were walking to the ball game and looked up at the CN Tower. He said you cannot come to TO and not go to the top. I said "I think I can". He said, great, you'll go to the top with me. I said "No, I think I can come to TO and not go to the top".
    I did go up with him. I was fine, but not as brave as you folks, as I could NOT stand on that piece of glass. Glad you enjoyed it and even had your lunch up there.

  2. you are still in ontario!! but not for long i bet. if you turn around and come back we would love to see you again!!sk
